RD104: “Contemporary Belief & Practice: Selected Topics” (Te Awamutu) 2022 Term 4
This five-session course, which meets biweekly in Te Awamutu during school Terms, comprises our continuing “Contemporary Belief and Practice” component within our Discovering Religious Diversity series. The series began in late 2019 with a detailed look at the History and Development of the world’s major religious traditions, and we now turn our attention to more contemporary forms of religious and spiritual practice. This multi-term series, spread out over three years with four sessions per Term, focuses on a comparative examination of the contemporary values and practices of the world’s religions and involves a critical exploration of lifecycle rituals and beliefs, from birth to death, food and clothing preferences, festivals and other activities associated with what religions do. There are no prerequisites, and new learners can join at any time. Please choose one of the payment options below. Unwaged includes students, unemployed and retirees. All the prices are in New Zealand dollars and GST inclusive.