This eight-week course, a part of our Art & Architecture series, is aimed at participants with little or no previous knowledge. From the ancient Greeks to the post-modern era, we use exemplary artwork to analyse major trends in Western art. The art objects will be analysed and discussed within the context of important historical and social developments. Participants learn to identify visual art and buildings from, for example, the Romanesque, Gothic, Baroque, Georgian, Classicist and Modernist styles on the basis of their typical features.
What motivated the builders of cathedrals, town halls and monuments in the Middle Ages to spend up to 75% of their cities’ GDP on art? What ideas about community, spirituality and beauty become manifest in the creative activities of European art movements and individual artists? Join us for an exciting journey to Athens, Rome, London, Dresden, and Chartres to find out. Join us to explore the great treasures of European art.