DUTCH 104: Introductory Dutch, Part 4 - 2023 Term 4
CourseIntroductory Dutch 104, Part 4 continues the work of previous Terms with learning conversation, vocabulary and introductory grammar with an emphasis on speaking and listening.
DUTCH 203: Intermediate Dutch, Part 3 - 2023 Term 4
CourseIntermediate Dutch 203, Part 3 continues its focus on conversation, vocabulary, and grammar, with and emphasis on speaking, reading and comprehension.
FARSI 102: Introductory Farsi/Persian, Part 2- 2023 Term 4
CourseOur Introductory Farsi 102 course (Persian) continues the learning begun in Farsi 101, focusing on reading and practicing the Nastaʿlīq (نستعلیق) script. This course also continues learning with additional basic grammar, vocabulary and conversation.
HEBREW 102: Introductory Hebrew, Part 2 - 2023 Term 4
CourseIntroductory Hebrew 102 classes are for beginners with some knowledge of Hebrew or the Hebrew script. During this Term continue with Hebrew reading while focusing on introductory conversation, grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing.
HEBREW 104: Introductory Hebrew, Part 4 - 2023 Term 4
CourseThe Introductory Hebrew 104 course builds upon learning the Hebrew script in Term 4, along with basic conversation, vocabulary and grammar, and continues to focus on reading, writing, speaking and comprehending Hebrew.
HINDI 102: Introductory Hindi, Part 2 - 2023 Term 4
CourseOur Introductory Hindi 102 course continues the focus on learning Devanāgarī (देवनागरी) script begun in our Term 1 course, and continues with writing and reading practice. Basic introductory grammar, vocabulary, and conversation are emphasised.